Like most activities in life, Internet Dating carries a few risks.
From potential perverts to thieving scammers who are out to empty your bank account, there are people out there who use the online dating industry to harm others.
These are the exception, not the norm. Most members on dating sites are just like you - genuine, kind people who are looking for love. And many sites, like Matchfinder, use various methods and tools to ensure that all their members are verified as such.
Even so, there will always be that bad apple that spoils the basket. In order to make sure you don't become a victim, please read the articles in this section before you start your Internet dating adventure. Thank you!
Matchfinder Online dating established in 2000, we have help creat over 100 thousand couples
You must be over 18 , our oldest member has been 85
And they found sucess
Matchfinder now works on all platforms and is mobile friendly.