Dating can be very scary, especially when it comes to first dates. Both people are nervous and excited and don’t want anything to go wrong. But there’s one thing that daters don’t want to experience. They don’t want the date to have long, awkward moments when there is nothing to talk. There’s tension in the air because no is talking.
Sure, there are plenty of articles about how to start and maintain conversations while on a date. Most of these conversation starter articles provide lists of questions to ask, which most people are too excited or nervous to remember. However, don’t worry. The following are some of the best ways to start great conversations and make your dates successful:
Take Advantage of the Environment
Look around you. There are tons of things to talk about if you just look at your immediate environment. Talk about what’s on the menu, the restaurant décor or even the outcome of the movie that you’ve just watched together. For instance, talk about the restaurant’s craft beer and how the brands differ from other places that you’ve gone to in the past. Talk about a particular entrée that is on the menu and how you’ve heard good reviews about it.
However, don’t talk about the negative aspects of your environment. Never discuss things such as the woman at the next table who has on too much perfume. Or don’t talk about how you get an upset stomach every time you eat fried cheese sticks, even if they are showcased on the menu.
Start by Discussing Lighted Hearted Impersonal Topics
Don’t talk about serious things or topics that are too personal. For instance, ask your date if special plans have been made for the weekend. You could also ask about their career or favorite hobbies that they may have. But do not ask about things such as their living arrangements, past relationships or even age unless this information is voluntarily disclosed.
Remain Thoughtful and Not Creepy
Conversation can be thoughtful without getting too creepy. Try talking about things such as a trending video or news article that you’ve seen. But make sure that the topic is an appropriate one. You could continue the conversation by asking a thoughtful question. Not only will this make you look intelligent and observant, but it should also pique your date’s interest. If you are concerned about the topic choice, discuss it with a friend or co-worker.
All in all, don’t be afraid to start conversations on your dates. Remember, you are both on this date together, which means that you are pretty much in the same boat. Don’t be nervous because the other person is probably just as nervous as you are. Use this time to get to know one another. Hopefully, this will lead to better things in life.
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