What If You're Not His Type?

Never try to be like someone your man has dated before, to try and prolong or get into a relationship. Getting into a rut is never a good idea. It can be so hard to get out of again. We all like new things and it’s important to be liked and respected for yourself.

The vast majority of guys are up for a little flirting. Of course there are guys who might prefer business women and others who prefer ladies with an outdoor bent. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these men won’t go out with other types of women.

Men tend to like womankind in general, and many will purposely date a lady unlike any they have been out with before precisely because those previous relationships didn’t last.

If you are into a guy you fancy, but you’re holding back because the other girls you’ve seen him with are, say Goths for example, here’s what you should try:

Find out more about what turns him on

In many cases men go out with specific types of women on the grounds that they share common interests. As an example, a guy who appreciates Japanese animation might like girls who are into sci-fi. On the other hand a man who plays guitar in a group will not have any time for girls who are tone deaf and who don’t appreciate music. However, these are not types of people as much as types of compatibility concerns.

The fact of the matter is that there is no reason why you oughtn’t to become someone that listens to him ranting on about music, or the latest video games, or collecting rare stamps. You might even bone up on the subject a little so you can give him your own two-penneth. In fact it will do you good to do so. It’s always great to share a common interest, and guys like nothing more than being able to teach their ladies about what they like.

Viva le-difference

The fact that you are unique and not like his usual type can be a good thing. It means that he could find you quite fascinating. The one thing you must never do is to fashion yourself into what he expects. If you do do this, and you’re successful at it, you’re creating a rod for your own back. You won’t be able to keep it up, and if you do, it could make you very unhappy. Just be you.

Men tend to go for ladies who pique their interest. It doesn’t matter whether you are his usual type or not. The truth of the matter is that if you can get a guy interested in the real you, that guy, no matter who is, will take notice.

You don’t have anything to live up to in a new relationship. Both of you are starting from scratch. Whatever his expectations are is irrelevant. From here on in, you set the standards. If he doesn’t like what he sees, he’s not for you.

Let it shine

If a man has a specific type in mind, routine will dictate that he will notice that type of woman first. To get him to take notice of you, you need to shine out from the crowd. Use that awesome smile you have, think positive and have confidence in your sexy aura. If that doesn’t work immediately, get to know one of his friends and get an introduction that way.

Don’t waste time

You may not be able to win them all. It doesn’t matter what you do. If the guy isn’t physically attracted to you, nothing is going to change it. You need to chalk that one down to experience and move on.

Remember that you deserve that special relationship with the right man. Everyone does. Finding him may not happen straight away, but remember what they say. All good things are worth waiting for. It will be all the sweeter for it!

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